Football Arena - Ročno
First of all we want to inform you about the possibility of deleting your team from the game. To lose a team is nothing pleasant and therefore everybody should know what is and what is not allowed to do in this game.

- Playing for more than one team. Logging to another teams.
- Not setting up the team and losing by forfeit 3 times in row.
- Not logging for more than 60 days.
- Market trickering (purchasing players for extortionary prices).
- A player plays in a country he/she is not from or does not live in.
- Posting advertisement of other web pages (with no connection with the game) in discussions and personal messages.
- Another violation of rules of fair-play and decorum (sending spam etc.)
We do not recommend playing from public access points, where is a possibility that other players can do the same. So if possible, play from home. If you play, for example from school or from home together with your brother, there is a higher risk of being deleted for breaking the rules. Purchases between such teams are even prohibited and you can not make deals with your friends and relatives.
Youth team
Match line-up setting
Player market
The International Club Tournaments
Friendly league
New season
Week in The Football Arena
Da bi ustvarili dober klub ni stvar ene ali dveh sezon. To je delo na dolgi rok in je popolnoma v rokah vsakega managerja, ki je tudi glavni trener ekipe. Morate skrbeti za objekte, za gradnjo stadiona, nakup in prodajo igralcev. Najnižje število igralcev v ekipi je 16, največje pa 40. Če je v ekipi 16 igralcev jih nemorate prodajaji na trgu ali jih odpustiti. Po drugi strani pa, če imate največje število, ne morete poklicati igralcev iz vaše mladinske ekipe ali jih kupiti.
In each season there are 18 matches, each team playing the others twice, once home, once away. More details in section League matches. Each team plays in a league and each league (except the top-level league) has its own divisions. But the league is the important one, the divisions (all divisions are equal) are just to divide all the leagues. It is because of thousands of teams and it would be terrible for a team to play in 537. league (imagine advancing up to the top league). Every next league has 4 times more divisions and therefore the key is that the first team advances and the last four are relegated. Of course if a team is in the top league there is nowhere to advance and teams at the bottom league can not be relegated any lower. If there is a point equality the key for advancing and relegating is the difference in scored/obtained goals, then scored goals, wins and if everything is equal then tossing. Changing teams among leagues is not a matter of chance but the best advancing team changes with the worst relegating team. It depends on table positions and points. Advancing and relegating of teams always take place after a season and immediately after this a new season begins together with league and cup fixtures and the game goes on. FA is a neverending football league.
Each player has his own best performance position, which is indicated by his color (green = defender, yellow = wing, blue = midfielder, red = forward). The player's needed abilities of course differ according to his position. Each ability has its maximum 25.
vratar: 100%
tackling: 60%, vodenje: 37.5%, vzdržljivost: 2.5%
Krilo (obr)
tackling: 60%, krilo: 30%, podaje: 5%, vzdržljivost: 5%
Krilo (normalno)
krilo: 55%, tackling: 20%, podaje: 20%, vzdržljivost: 5%
Krilo (nap)
krilo: 45%, podaje: 45%, tackling: 5%, vzdržljivost: 5%
Vezist (obr)
vodenje: 45%, tackling: 45%, podaje: 5%, vzdržljivost: 5%
Vezist (normalno)
vodenje: 55%, tackling: 20%, podaje: 20%, vzdržljivost: 5%
Vezist (nap)
vodenje: 45%, podaje: 45%, tackling: 5%, vzdržljivost: 5%
napad: 50%, vodenje: 27.5%, podaje: 20%, vzdržljivost: 2.5%
Each player must play the position he is suited for otherwise, for example when a wing plays a forward, his match performance and the following training will be less effective. If an offensive wing plays a defensive role (or defensive as offensive, or defensive as normal etc.) than such a player will never play better, than on his own position.
Height of players has influence to some skills of a player. For example 200cm high player uses his Heading better than for example 170cm high player. On the other hand, higher attackers can't use their Passing so well, higher defenders can't use Tackling so well too. Smaller players also play tactic Pressing or Counter attacks better than higher players and smaller players defend these two tactic also better.
Vsak posamezni igralec ima določeno kondicijo, katera pada glede na število tekem ki jih igralec odigra, ali pa raste glede na počitek ki ga igralec dobi. Vzdržljivost pri igralcih vpliva kako hitro se igralec utrudi med tekmo, ter koliko kondicije porabi na posamezni tekmi. Če je vzdržljivost večja, bo igralec po tekmi bolje pripravljen in hitreje se bo njegova kondicija vrnila, kot tistemu ki ima manjšo vzdržljivost. Zdravniška služba (Ustanove) prav tako vpliva na kondicijo in vzdržljivost igralca. Večja kot je stopnja, boljše je. Prav tako je dobro vedeti, da na kondicijo, pripravljenost in vzdržljivost igralca manj vplivajo prijateljske tekme, kot ligaške ali pokalne tekme. Pri postavitvi "pomembnost tekme" se prav tako spreminjajo kondicijske karakteristike igralca. Bolj kot je tekma zanj pomembna, bolj se igralec trudi in s tem bo po tekmi bolj utrujen. Če se igralec hitro utrudi in se mi počasi dviga kondicija, potem ga preprosto natrenirajte "vzdržljivost"-no (Trening), ali dvignite stopnjo Zdravniške službe (Ustanove), da bodo igralci bolj pripravljeni. Vedno imejte 2 postavi z 11 različnimi igralci, saj prav nič ne koristi če vam konstantno igra le ena postava. Če igralec igra 2 ali 3 tekme tedensko bo na treningu deležen učinka le z ene tekme. Zato vam predlagamo da igrate naprimer Ligo z prvo postavo, Prijateljske tekme in ostala tekmovanja pa z drugo postavo. Katera postava bo igrala kaj (močnejša-slabša), pa je vaša odločitev. Zapomnite si TRENING igralec dobi samo od ENE tekme. IGRAJTE Z VSEMI, POČIVAJTE VSE igralce.
Form of players is important for their match performance. Even a good player, who is out of form, can play worse than an average one in form. Form changes every week during Friday training and always moves to its average. So a good form player is more likely drop out of his form a bit and vice versa. If a player played at least one match during the week he is more probable to get into a better form than a player who did not play any. The average form is 5. But in the game all numbers are rounded down to integral numbers. Maximum is 10 and minimum is 0. You can see only down rounded numbers in the game so if there is 2 at player's form, it can mean 2.00 but even 2.99. Form does not influence the price of a player.
As well as form, experience is important for a player performance. An experienced player, with worse attributes, can perform better than a less experienced junior player, even a talented one. Experience has similar influence as form and influences for example penalty shooting. Experience is gained only through playing matches, more in league matches and less in friendly matches. If a player gets to a national team he can get extra experience. The limit for experience is 10 (the same as for form).
Potential is a hidden attribute. Every player has some potential, which influences his training. A player with 100% potential trains on 100%, a player with 75% potential trains on 3/4 etc. Potential of young players rises and of old players drops. It is individual for each player and you can get an idea by examining your trainings.
Kemija ekipe
Matični igralci kluba (igralci ki niso kupljeni na trgu), vedno igrajo z 100% močjo. Igralci ki so bili v klub pripeljani preko trga, potrebujejo nekaj časa da se vklopijo v igro z ostalimi soigralci. To je odvisno od časa ki ga igralec preživi v ekipi:
Število sezon v klubu | Moč igralca |
0 | 90% |
0.1 | 90.5% |
0.2 | 91% |
0.3 | 91.5% |
0.4 | 92% |
0.5 | 92.5% |
0.6 | 93% |
0.7 | 93.5% |
0.8 | 94% |
0.9 | 94.5% |
1 | 95% |
1.1 | 95.5% |
1.2 | 96% |
1.3 | 96.5% |
1.4 | 97% |
1.5 | 97.5% |
1.6 | 98% |
1.7 | 98.5% |
1.8 | 99% |
1.9 | 99.5% |
2+ | 100% |
Training is one of the most important thing in the game. It takes place at night from Thursday to Friday. Thanks to trainings players can improve and a club can make some money from selling them. It is important to train up young players. You can sell them after a few seasons to earn some money for your team to improve your facilities or to buy new young prospects.
What you should know about trainings- You can not win without trainings.
- Training is only for players who played at least one match during the week.
- Only the last match a player played is important for the training. If you train a defender, who played league as a defender on Sunday but as a forward in a cup match on Thursday (the day the training takes place) he will not get much from the training. If it is contrariwise or he played just a league/cup match in his proper position, he trains normally.
- To gain maximum from trainings for a whole team, you should play two matches a week (league + cup/friendly). Then league team can train and other players, for example your reserve team (due to friendly/cup matches), as well. It is wise to involve as many players in trainings as you can because to gain maximum from trainings a player needs to play only one match a week.
- What will each player train is influenced by the set training. Trainings take place on Friday morning so players' attributes change once a week according to the set schedule.
- The quality of training (how much a player trains) is influenced by player's potential but the potential has no influence on stamina trainings.
- If a player played another role then his training is only 90%. The role means defender, goalkeeper etc. It does not mean "def", "off" specialization.
- International matches of countries have no influence on trainings.
At about the age of 30 all player's skills begin to decrease. For goalkeepers, defenders and defensive wingers it starts later, for others sooner. Training has a point up to the age of about 29 (included), so for a year it is still possible to gain something from training. Stamina can be trained anytime.
Every team can change a trainer only once a season. Training of players is influenced by a trainer.
Defence - Faster/Slower training of goalkeepers, defenders and def. wingers.
Midfield - Faster/Slower training of all wingers and midfielders.
Attack - Faster/Slower training of forwards.
Every player can train more or less, depends on settings of a training (%). In sum a team can't train more than 1200%.
General means that a player trains each skill he needs.
Def. wingers gain higher value by a trainer. For example if you have the trainer (-5)-(+5)-(0), def. wingers will have +5% bonus to a training.
Self-confidence of a team is influenced mainly by league and cup results. If a team wins it is likely that the self-confidence increases. If a team plays against a better (due to rating) team, even a draw can improve its self-confidence. Other factors like home, away matches or final scores are also responsible. Self-confidence can also be influenced by player sales. More info in Player market.
Team self-confidence is simple a measure of the team form. If a team has won several matches lately there will be more spectators at the stadium and the number of supporters will raise faster. Self-confidence is also responsible for the team strength in a match.
Every week you can call up one player from your youth team. The quality of such a player depends on your youth academy level and luck. Players in a youth team are 14-20 years old.
Youth team quality
Youth team quality depends on players you called up in previous weeks. The better players you happen to call up the lower the youth team quality goes. Simply, there are some players in your youth team building up the team quality altogether. If you call up a good player then the overall quality lowers. And vice versa, so after calling up a weak player, the youth team quality is likely to increase.
If you don't call up any youth player in a week, youth team quality for next week will increase by 2% + twice your youth level.
The stadium is an important money source. As the time goes by you will have more and more fans who will like to see your matches on their own. With a small stadium you lose money because a lot of fans just can not get through the gates due to its capacity. On the other hand, a big stadium with half seats empty in also not exactly economical.
Stadium in numbers- Minimum stadium capacity: 5.000
- Maximum stadium capacity: 150.000
- Basic fee for stadium building/destroying: €40.000
- Weekly fee for one seat: €2
- Average entrance fee: €10
Each club builds its own facilities. There are 5 kinds of them and each can have 7 levels at maximum. All facilities then 22 levels altogether. Therefore you must choose your unique way. It is also important to know that after a few seasons your facility can decrease its level and you will have to build it again.
Training academy
Improves training effects by 8% per level.
More money from sponsors, lower player agents fees, higher match attendance.
Medical facility
Lower chance of long term player injuries, faster injury recoveries, faster fatigue recovery after matches.
Youth academy
Improves youth team quality.
Match centre
+2% team power per level, higher experience of players from matches.
- 1. stopnja - €40.000
- 2. stopnja - €100.000
- 3. stopnja - €200.000
- 4. stopnja - €400.000
- 5. stopnja - €800.000
- 6. stopnja - €1.400.000
- 7. stopnja - €2.200.000
- 1. stopnja - €0
- 2. stopnja - €0
- 3. stopnja - €0
- 4. stopnja - €0
- 5. stopnja - €0
- 6. stopnja - €0
- 7. stopnja - €0
- 1. stopnja - 7/7
- 2. stopnja - 7/7
- 3. stopnja - 14/7
- 4. stopnja - 14/7
- 5. stopnja - 21/7
- 6. stopnja - 21/7
- 7. stopnja - 28/7
- 1. stopnja - €2.000
- 2. stopnja - €5.000
- 3. stopnja - €10.000
- 4. stopnja - €20.000
- 5. stopnja - €40.000
- 6. stopnja - €70.000
- 7. stopnja - €110.000
A team is allowed to play a match if there are at least 7 players available. That means players who are not injured and do not have a red card. A player also needs 50% condition at minimum. It is always good to set additional players in case of substitutions. If there is an injury or a red card for the goalkeeper, one of the offensive players change and a new goalkeeper takes his place.
It is not possible to change your line-up if there are 30 or less minutes before a match.
Ligaške tekme
They are always played on Sunday and twice a season, 4th and 12th week, also on Wednesday instead of friendly matches. There are 18 matches per season. Contestants play 2x among one another, once home and once away. There are 3 points for a win,1 point for a draw and 0 for a lose or draw by forfeit (a match with 0:0 final score because neither team set their line-up).
Pokalne tekme
Na začetku vsake sezone naredimo žreb državnega Pokala (glej Pokal). Ekipe v pokalu se bodo vedno pomerile v razmerju najboljši proti najslabšemu, glede na njihov rang. Primer: Če imamo 10 ekip - igra prvi proti zadnjemu, drugi proti devetemu, tretji proti osmemu, itd. Domača ekipa bo vedno tista ekipa, ki ima manjše število odigranih domačih tekem v pokalu. Pokal lahko igramo z 2, 4, 8, 16 do 16384 ekipami. V pokalu se igra le ena tekma. Povratnih tekem ni. Zmagovalec napreduje naprej, poraženec pa preneha z igranjem v pokalnem tekmovanju.
Prijateljske tekme
Friendly matches do not influence self-confidence or rating. But they have one important reason – training. Each team, which wants to train fully, should play 2 matches a week. More info in Training. A friendly match can also be played against a PC team, you just have to find a team without an owner and such a team accepts every friendly match immediately.
Mednarodne tekme
These are played every Tuesday. National team line-up is always set by its national coach.
Matches are an important income. In league matches the home team always receives the whole amount from entrance money. In cup matches the home team receives 2/3 and the away team 1/3 of it. In friendly matches both teams receives half of it. If there is a lose by forfeit the team receives nothing.
Cards are mainly dependent on the player's field position. So a defender is more likely to get a card and a forward vice versa. Cards from cup and league matches are not separated. After 3 yellow cards (a red card in a match = 3 yellow ones) the player is not allowed in one league or cup match. Cards from friendly matches do not count and even a player with a red card can play a friendly match.
Every player can be injured in a match. To lower this chance you should level up medical facilities or set a lower match importance. On the other hand a higher match importance setting brings greater danger of injuries. Most common length of an injury is 1-7 weeks (the number at an injured player). The higher medical facilities level the shorter recovery time (and sometimes even shorter than it is shown).
Over time
Overtime is always played 2x15 minutes. If the game is still tied after this overtime period, then there is a shoot-out.
If there is no line-up set for a match, the opposing team wins by forfeit 3:0. The winning team does not get any experience, but the players are not fatigued, which can be an advantage. Money from the match and training both count as normal.
Important info - It is not possible to change your line-up if there are 30 or less minutes before a match.
Tactic usually does not affect number of chances in a match. It only affects probability of an successful action, because if a team is more offensive there is a higher probability to score a goal from a chance. But, of course, this all is also influenced by the opposing team. They can have good defence and then everything is a bit more complicated. And it is clear that when you are more offensive you can not defend so well.
Več obrambe kot napada - Strengthens defence but weakens offense and quite often more than it strengthens defence. I is recommended if you have good defence and weak offense.
Normalno - Offense and defence equal. It mostly depends on current match score, so a losing team tries to attack more etc.
Več napada kot obrambe - Strengthens offense but weakens defence and quite often more than it strengthens offence. I is recommended if you have good offense and weak defence.
Igralni stil
Normalno - Ni specijalnega igralnega stila.
Pritisk/Presing - Strengthens tackling for wingers and midfielders but weakens their wing play or more precisely their playmaking. With this style there is a good chance that your team counterworks opposing team's offensive action. The better tackling of your defenders, wingers and midfielders the higher chance of counterworking such actions. The opposing team can lower this chance for his/her advantage by ball passing of midfielders, wingers and forwards.
Proti napad - Strengthens ball passing of midfielders and wingers but weakens their wing play or more precisely their playmaking. It also strengthens forwards. With this style there is a chance that your team takes advantage of opposing team's chance failure and makes a successful counter attack. The better ball passing of midfielders, wingers and forwards the higher chance of a successful counter attack. The opposing team can lower this chance for his/her advantage by tackling of midfielders, wingers and defenders.
Napad po sredini - Strengthens playmaking and ball passing of off. and def. midfielders but weakens their tackling. Strengthens tackling of def. and off. wingers but weakens their wing play and ball passing. With this style midfielders are more likely to get into a shooting position.
Keep the ball - Strengthens playmaking of midfielders and wing of wingers. Weakens forwards.
Igranje po krilu - Strengthens wing play and ball passing of off. and def. wingers but weakens their tackling. Strengthens tackling of def. and off. midfielders but weakens their playmaking and ball passing. With this style wingers are more likely to get into a shooting position.
Dolga žoga - Strengthens heading of attackers and little bit of defenders. Weakens midfield. Increases count of header actions in a match.
Pressing and counter attacks are influenced by experience of the whole team. So more experienced teams play them better (higher chance of successful pressing or counter attack) and less experienced teams play them worse. Also smaller players play these two tactic better than higher players.
Play style is also reflected in players' performance rating in a match. So a midfielder with low tackling can play worse than usual if pressing is set. And vice versa. The midfielders performance and rating of the whole team can be lower if counter attacks are set. That does not mean the team played worse. Because of properly set tactics the team could have done well but it is not so easy to convert it into numbers.
In the match report you can see messages about successful team tactics when pressing or counter attacks are set.
Lahko se uporabi za ligaške in pokalne tekme
Sproščeno - Team performance -15%, Fatigue -50%, Fauls -50%, Team self-confidence +50%
Manjša pomembnost - Team performance -10%, Fatigue -25%, Fauls -25%, Team self-confidence +25%
Normalno - Ni spremembe
Zelo pomembno - Team performance +10%, Fatigue +25%, Fauls +25%, Team self-confidence -25%
Ključ - Team performance +15%, Fatigue +50%, Fauls +50%, Team self-confidence -50%
Gain or loss of self-confidence - If the team gains for example 10% self-confidence, then with a less important match it gains 25% more, it means 12.5% self-confidence. If the team loses 10% self-confidence in a less important match, then it loses 25% less, it means 7.5%. In a more important match the team would gain 7.5% or lose 12.5%.
The match importance can also affect player injuries. In less important matches (Lower importance, Relaxing) players are less likely to be injured and in more important matches (Higher importance, Key) they are more likely to be injured.
If there is an increase or a decrease in the team's performance because of the match importance, it is not shown in the match report statistic of defenders/midfielders/forwards nor in the star players of the match (ball possession in the match detail is influenced). But in the match detail your team's attitude to the match will be shown. And, of course, it will have its consequences during the match. Officials of a strong team can underestimate the match by convincing the players about its low importance etc.
You can set the captain for each match (if there is no, he will be randomly selected from current line-up). The captain gains more experience from a match and usually strengthens his team according to his own experience. Mother club player as captain increase power 50% more than other players. This strength is also calculated in the after match statistics.
Privzeta postavitev
If you do not set any players for a match or you completely forget to set your line-up at all, then this default line-up is set automatically. So if you are for example long time away, you do not lose by forfeit. Because players get fatigued and you usually play twice a week you can save 3 different default line-ups – League (Sunday), Cup, Friendly match/League (Wednesday). Default line-ups can be saved by choosing desired type and saving it as usual. All players, substitutions, formation, tactics, play style and importance are saved all together. A default line-up can be revised and loaded as well as last saved line-ups. Everything saved is loaded, in case of "Friendly match/League (Wednesday)" the importance is loaded as well, but, of course, the importance counts only for league or cup matches.
Taktična zamenjava
There are tactical substitutions, which bring even more strategy possibilities into the game.
- If your players are tired, have low condition or you have set key importance, the players will be exhausted in last minutes of the match. The result will be lower performance of both the player and the team. You can prevent this by sending the well-rested player into the field.
- If you feel like train e.g 4 goalkeepers, no problem. Simply substitute the keeper during the match and both of them will train. Every player, who has been playing at least one minute will be train no matter how much time he spent on the field.
- Let's say your B team is not performing well. You are able to send more experience players on the field to overturn the averse score. On the contrary, if the match seems to be won by you, you are able to send worse players on the field and make your good players rest more for next match.
The substitution depends on the conditions you have set before the match.
Igralec na igrišču: Igralec, ki ga nameravate poslati izven igrišča.
Novi igralec: The player you are about to send in the field. Both players should be the same position e.g. defender instead defender. Not midfielder instead forward etc.
Minuta: Minutes may be set by the means from-to. If you set the substitution between 60.-89. minute and the substitution condition is valid in 60. minute, the substitution will happen immediately in 60. minute. If the condition is not valid in 60. minute, the player will be waiting on the substitution bench until the condition becomes true. If it never happen, no substitution will take place.
Kondicija: Necessary condition which must be valid for the realization of the substitution. If there is no condition set, then the player will be substituted according to the time you set.
Keep in mind the fact that not all tactical substitutions may be brought into effect. It is because of eventual injury or red card. You are able to substitute up to 5x during the match. If the player has been sent into the field instead of some injured player, naturally he can not be used for tactical substitution later during the match. The other point is there are no time obstructs possible by the tactical substitution. It means you can not hinder the opponent in scoring by tactical substitution in the last minutes of the match. If the captain is sent off the field during the match, the team will lost the bonus the captain was contributing to the team's performance.
If your team has more than €16.000.000 during Friday economics calculation, then you pay a 2% tax on money over that amount. This tax is reduced by 5% with each level of your Marketing. So if you, for example, have €20.000.000 on your account, then on Friday you are taxed with €80.000 (20M-16M=4M*0.02). If you also have 4th level of Marketing, then you pay 20% less. That means €64.000.
Prodaja igralca
Denar, pridobljen od prodaje igralca
Denar prejmete tedensko tudi od sponzorjev ekipe. Več kot bo na vaših tekmah gledalcev, več denarja vam bodo namenili sponzorji. Končni znesek se izračuna (število gledalcev x 4€). Vsaka stopnja Marketinga vam to vsoto poveča za 5%.
Vstopnina iz vseh tekmem v tednu.
Na primer denar od sponzorjev, ki ga dobite na začetku vsake sezone.
Nabava igralca
Denar, investiran za nabavo igralca
Plača igralcev
All players present in your team on Friday economics counting demand certain wages. The total amount of all player wages is one of the team outcomes.
Vsak teden mora ekipa plačati za vzdrževanje stadiona in objektov ter za njihovo izboljšanje.
Na primer provizija/taksa za pošiljanje igraleca na trg.
Each player can be sent to the market. By doing so you have to pay 0.5% of his FA price (shown in player's detail as Value) as a fee. The minimum market price is €4.000 and the maximum price is the FA price * 2. A player stays on the market for 4 days and the selling manager always gets 2x FA price at maximum. There are no restrictions for a player on the market to play for his team. If there is a match in the time the player is supposed to be sold then the purchase takes place after the match. The bidding team loses its money immediately and can not manipulate with the money for the whole time of holding the best bid (if someone offers a higher bid then, of course, the money goes back). The team, offering the player, gets its money after the purchase is finished.
If a team sells a once purchased player it loses 15% team self-confidence. This penalty is nevertheless reduced by 1% each week of the player's presence in the team so after 10 weeks there is only 5% self-confidence penalty. This is not applied on players from the youth team or on players who have been with the team from the beginning. You can sell a purchased player after 7 days. When selling a purchased player the possible profit depends on the length of his stay in your team. The basic profit is 55% and for each week in the club (counted from the week the player could first be sold) this profit increases by 3%. So if you purchase a player and you sell him just after a week for €40.000 then you get 55% from his price (€22.000). After 10 weeks you get 55%+(10-1)*3=82% from his price. We count only with 9 weeks because the first week he could not have been sold and therefore this week is not included in the final price. There is a possible profit in percents shown at each player. This profit always depends on the time you send him to the market and includes bonus from your Marketing facility. The maximum profit is 90% and each level of Marketing increases this amount by 1%.
Obstaja pet mednarodnih klubskih turnirjev na FA. Vsi izmed njih imajo nekaj skupnega. Igralci v postavi vedno začnejo tekmo s 100% kondicijo. Po tekmi, njihova kondicija pade nazaj na vrednost ki jo je igralec imel pred tekmo. To pomeni, da igralci izgubijo kondicijo. Po drugi strani, pa dobijo izkušnje in domača ekipa dobi ves denar od vstopnic.
- Chances for injuries are much more lower than usual.
- Cards are forgiven soon after the match. There is no card restrictions, so that even the player with red card can play the match.
- All the matches count for players' training. It means players on the line-up can be trained that week.
- At the play-off, money from the tickets are divided 1:1; half for home team, half for away team.
- There is no home advantage at the play-off.
- The team self-confidence is always 100%.
FA Liga Prvakov
Večinoma ekipe 1. lige.
- Number of teams: 192
- Number of teams at the group: 6
- Number of advancing teams from the group: 2
- Fatigue: 100%
- Attendance: 100%
- Player's experience from the match: 80%
FA Prestige pokal
Mostly 1st league teams and the champions of national cups.
- Number of teams: 2048
- Number of teams at the group: 6
- Number of advancing teams from the group: 2
- Fatigue: 80%
- Attendance: 80%
- Player's experience from the match: 65%
FA Mednarodni Pokal
Mostly 2nd and 3rd league teams and the defeated teams from national cup finals.
- Number of teams: 2048
- Number of teams at the group: 4
- Number of advancing teams from the group: 2
- Fatigue: 60%
- Attendance: 60%
- Player's experience from the match: 50%
FA Challenge pokal
Mostly 4th and 5th league teams.
- Number of teams: 2048
- Number of teams at the group: 4
- Number of advancing teams from the group: 2
- Fatigue: 40%
- Attendance: 40%
- Player's experience from the match: 33%
FA Fair Play Pokal
Only 6th league teams.
- Number of teams: 4096
- Number of teams at the group: 4
- Number of advancing teams from the group: 1
- Fatigue: 20%
- Attendance: 20%
- Player's experience from the match: 20%
Friendly leagues are there to entertain managers even more and to allow them to create their own league, where they can play against their friends or acquaintances. Anyone can play a friendly league, but there are some rules.
- A friendly league can be created only by a Supporter.
- In each friendly league there must be at least 1/2 of Supporters.
- Friendly leagues are played on Friday. The kickoff time is set by the founding manager.
- Each league can have an entry fee set by the founding manager. This fee can be 0-€100.000 and a team willing to join the league does not have to have this money on its account - the fee will be taken off automatically, even into minus. After the end of the league the first team receives 50% from the whole collected amount, the second team 30% and the third 20%.
- Players do not get fatigued in a friendly league, they can not be injured after a match and they get no experience or cards. They can play a match even if they have cards or are fatigued. They are always 100% ready. But of course, they can not be injured before a match.
- The team self-confidence is always 100%.
- The team and players performance is not calculated in their statistics.
- Matches have no influence on training.
- There are no money by attendance.
- A friendly league can be played independently on a season, one part of it in one season and one part in another.
Each season lasts 16 weeks and is immediately followed by a new one. So there is a last league round on Sunday and on Monday a new season begins. There are following events between two seasons.
- The first team advances to a better league and four worst teams are relegated to a worse league. Of course there is nowhere to advance from the first league as well as there is nowhere to be relegated from the worst league.
- Team self-confidence is set to 60%.
- The best team result is erased, it is always from current season.
- All players get one year older.
- Form is set to average levels.
- Players' condition is set to 100%.
- The best player result is erased, it is always from current season.
- New wages are calculated.
- Players old enough are dismissed from their junior national teams.
- Cards are canceled. Injuries prevails to the next season.
Financial bonuses
Bonus for league position at the end of a season1. league
- 1. place - €1.400.000
- 2. place - €980.000
- 3. place - €700.000
- 4. place - €560.000
- 5. place - €420.000
- 1. place - €700.000
- 2. place - €490.000
- 3. place - €350.000
- 4. place - €280.000
- 5. place - €210.000
- 1. place - €350.000
- 2. place - €245.000
- 3. place - €175.000
- 4. place - €140.000
- 5. place - €105.000
- 1. place - €175.000
- 2. place - €122.500
- 3. place - €87.500
- 4. place - €70.000
- 5. place - €52.500
- 1. place - €87.500
- 2. place - €61.250
- 3. place - €43.750
- 4. place - €35.000
- 5. place - €26.250
Sponsor bonus in the beginning of a season
- 1. league - 2x money from sponsors
- 2. league - 1.8x money from sponsors
- 3. league - 1.6x money from sponsors
- 4. league - 1.4x money from sponsors
- 5. league - 1.2x money from sponsors
- 6. and lower leagues - 1x money from sponsors
The League cup is planned, all league rounds are drawn etc.
- Statistics update
- Player recoveries
- Condition replenishing
- Stadium and facilities building
- Player statistics update
- International matches
- International cups
- Automatical planning of friendly matches
- Fanclub update
- Lowering old buildings levels
- Friendly matches
- League cup matches
- Player statistics update
- League matches
- Financial update (wages, sponsors)
- Evaluating trainings and changing forms
- Fanclub update
- Player statistics update
- Friendly leagues
- World Cup
- Youth team activation
- League matches